Jobs for Retirees

So what does it mean to say there are Jobs for Retirees?

Sitting on a park bench is not what I had in mind.


You made it. You worked your entire life and now you are retired. But wait a minute, you don’t really want to be retired. You would prefer to be doing something. Anything really, retired is not for you.

So, what can you do about it? Well, Walmart may be looking for greeters or McDonalds for a burger flipper, but is that really what you want to do? Most likely not. You have worked for companies and or yourself all your life, isn’t it time you started working for YOU?

It is time to redefine what a job is.

Work for myself, how?

You have reached a milestone in your life. So, you are retired, and you have spent many decades working and gaining knowledge. It is now time to share that knowledge with everyone else.

But I was just a janitor, a plumber, a lawyer, a corporate executive, I do not have anything to share, you say. This is just not true. You have a lot of knowledge on how to clean and take care of buildings, fix pipes, settle a dispute, and or broker a deal. Tricks that helped you over the years. All you need to do is pass that information along to others.

Google Search

Trust me someone out there is looking for the answer that you have locked inside your head. Will you be the one to give it to them, or will they go to someone else for the answer?

People want to know, how to do things. Google handles 53,000 internet searches per second in 2021 or 5.5 billion per day. Some say it is much higher.

There is already someone out there looking for the information that you have locked inside your head. In addition, perhaps you have a hobby and or a knowledge set, you can pass that information along as well.


Yes, but I know nothing about the internet

It may be true, but all you need to do is learn. Like everything that you have ever done, you learned the way to do it. If I know you because you are retired. You learned things from the ground up, one step at a time. The internet is no different.

One step at a time

Working for yourself on the internet seems difficult, heck there are many terms that just do not make sense. SEO, keywords, niche, SERPS, – you name it there is an acronym for it.

Just relax, it is like every other job you ever had – the insiders know what it means and everybody else is in the dark.

We are going to pull back the curtain on what everything means and before you know it, you will be a pro.

Search Engine Results Pages
Google SERPS

SEO – Search Engine Optimization – make your content respond when someone enters a search question in Google.

SERPS – Search Engine Results Pages – the results that Google displays when a question is asked.

Step One – Get off your ass.

Yes, I know – I’m retired – you say. I worked to get here. Now I just want to sit and do nothing. But do you really? Is that all there is? Doing nothing gets pretty boring very quickly.

Sure, you are retired, and it is great for a while, but we all need something to keep us busy, to give us focus, keep us sharp.

People who lose focus and or do not have a reason to get out and do something will fade away. You know it is true, everyone knows somebody who retired and was gone a year later.

There is only so much golf, tennis, and leisure time a body can take. If that is what you love, then by all means play to your heart’s content.

You are retired, you do not have to do this.

But, if you are looking for something to do, something to make you want to get up and keep going then maybe this is for you

What Do I do Now?

Get started on the next phase of your life. You are retired. Maybe that means you have enough money and you do not need to work. Maybe it means you do not have enough money and you need to bring in some income. Whatever your circumstance, you can do exactly what you want to do.

Take the plunge, start doing something.

When Life gives you Lemons - pass the Tequila
Pass the Tequila

Anything Really…..

Your life has always been in your hands and it still is.

Life will be what you make it.

When life gives you lemons – pass the Tequila and get on with it.

Simply follow along as we move forward. There is no charge, no credit card needed.

Affiliate skills will help you get to where you want to be. If it turns out this is not for you and you want to go back to your park bench, or beach chair. No harm no foul.

It is your life, do not let anyone tell you how to live it!

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